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My apologies for not having posted for months.

I was preoccupied with medical issues and still tried to keep a level of activity for my two major advocacies, the system of rice intensification (SRI) and renewable energy (RE)/sustainable technologies.

I will be posting more often from now on.

For a quick update:

I traveled to Dumaguete and Siquijor last week, to give lecturers both on SRI and on RE.

Before this, CREST had conducted two trainings in San Luis, one on solar and another on microhydro.

My draft of a paper on our Paris commitment to reduce GHG emissions 70% by 2030 — that this is doable in the electricity sector — is nearly done. I will share the draft here, so it can benefit from feedback before being finalized.

I have also drafted a critique of the DOE’s baseload bloat, in its Power Development Plan 2016-2040.

And there a third draft: the results of a simulation I did on solar energy deployment in the Philippines and how it will affect the share of baseload plants in the country’s energy mix.

Yesterday, I had a meeting with the staff of Cong. Rav Rocamora on the CREST proposal for a brownout-free Siquijor through a SWITCHOFF campaign.

Today, CREST is doing consultations at the Bayleaf Hotel on the 5-unit RE syllabus we are crafting, an open-source document for academic institutions.

Lots to report about! More later…

Obet Verzola



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