Tag Archives: origami

Improved instructions for making a professional CD envelope purely by folding (origami)

It has been a year since I released my own design of an origami CD envelope. It is the best design I’ve seen so far. Apparently though, the original instructions were quite hard to follow. So I tried to improve the instructions and include clearer diagrams. You’ll find everything on this 82Kb file (Improved instructions for origami CD envelope). Once I manage to convert the diagrams into individual JPEG picture files, I’ll post them here too.

A YouTube video that demonstrates the procedure is also available here.

The original instructions are here.

If you think the instructions can be improved further, please send me a note or leave a comment.

Happy new year to all!

The world’s best origami CD/DVD envelope now on YouTube

For a video showing how to fold letter-size or A4 paper into a sturdy CD/DVD envelop that protects its contents well, check the site below. The video shows the same method described on this blog.

If you use one-half or one-fourth of the paper, the result is perfect for seed packets. If you fold the paper along instead of across the length, you’ll get a nice envelope for letters (or money).


Oh, and if you want the world’s most beautiful origami CD/DVD envelope, look at this:


Happy new year!